Hysiry has 2 ways to wirelessly connect to their controllers. Bluetooth 5 in 4.2 compatibility mode and WiFi, but only on the 2.4GHz bands, not 5GHz.
If you have the Bluetooth-only controllers identified in Part 1 then you need the "Hello Fairy" mobile app (not the one that says OTA). The QR code to get that free app is this one:

The Hello Fairy app main menu looks like this (showing several strings available, which will vary depending on the strings you have):

As of this writing (11/25/2022), the latest app version is v2.9.0 but Hysiry continually updates, so yours may show a different, later version.
Unless you rename a string, it will get a generic Hello Fairy name appended with the Globally Unique ID (GUID) of the Bluetooth MAC Address (MAC means Media Access Control, not Apple's Macintosh). You also get very useful signal strength information that tells you when to get closer to a string. Without interference, Bluetooth can travel up to 5 meters pretty reliably; sometimes even longer distances work.
If on the other hand you have one of the white controllers with the external IR Sensor, then you have a Bluetooth + WiFi controller and the Tuya Smart Life app is the way to go. It allows you to connect to your lights from across the world, once configured properly. Here is the QR code for Smart Life:

The initial screen for Smart Life looks like this, assuming you have some devices:

The Smart Life app is able to control a LOT of devices beyond Hysiry LED strings. Smart Outlets, switches, lamps, etc can all be controlled and even grouped for on-off syncing, all within Smart Life.
Basically, once you connect to a Hysiry String over Bluetooth, the Mobile app asks to map the WiFi of the string into your existing WiFi network for Internet Access to Smart Life's Servers in the cloud. So you have to have the SSID (WiFi Network Name) and the password.
VERY IMPORTANT - Only the 2.4GHz WiFi band is supported AND your phone has to be connected to that WiFi band to connect to the String once configured for WiFi. That means there must be a 2.4GHz band enabled on your WiFi Access Point / Router. Later model devices tend to favor the 5GHz band, so it is possible the 2.4GHz is supported but disabled in your home or business.
Once the string is connected to your 2.4GHz WiFi, the phone no longer needs to stay on that band and will able to control the lights via the mobile network as well.
When you connect to a Hysiry string, the Hello Fairy app User Interface is what shows up. Basically, the app becomes a plug-in to the Smart Life system, so the very first time you connect, it may take a few seconds for Smart Life to download the Hello Fairy plug-in.
Currently, Hysiry Lights can ONLY connect to these 2 apps. Other ecosystems in the DIY space are not yet supported, but hopefully in the future it will be a possibility. Thanks for following along and getting more educated on the great Hysiry RGBHUB / Dreamcolor / Hello Fairy app system!